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The Power of Potential

Placer Community Foundation Prospers Beyond Expectations

Amy Bower

For nearly two decades, Placer Community Foundation (PCF) in Auburn, California, has "inspired philanthropy to respond to critical community needs and build a thriving region where every person prospers." Although they've been successful in pursuing this mission, they faced a predicament in 2022 when they found themselves without a dedicated marketing and communications staff person. Facing unmet potential and missed opportunities to do even more, PCF considered the possibility of bringing in outside help. 

“Our CEO found BowerComm through the community foundation field. We decided to engage them for the last four months of our 2022 year-end marketing. Because they were so responsive and had good ideas, we engaged them for the full year of 2023 and now 2024,” said Jessica Hubbard, Philanthropic Services Manager

PCF was so pleased with BowerComm’s partnership, that what began as a little extra help with marketing and communications has evolved into so much more--rebranding and web development involving PCF’s board, staff and stakeholders.

We are overdue for a strategic planning process so I thought this work would get bogged down with conflict from the board and staff. How could we have a new look and messaging when we haven't yet reviewed our mission, vision and values statements and our long-term goals?," said Jessica.

Much to the contrary, this work stimulated a new, fresh look at the work of our community foundation and our impact. This led us to a proposal with BowerComm for strategic planning in 2024. I personally am excited to take BowerComm's rebranding into this planning. Moreover, their marketing/communications plan will now align dynamically with our fund development goals in a way that has not been fully possible for our organization in the past.

With a fresh look, language, and a new strategic plan on the horizon, PCF is poised to provide bigger and better opportunities for their community - all thanks to their partnership with BowerComm.

“They have a great, responsive staff that is accessible for varying parts of the process. Weekly calls with Lori and Caitlin keep us on task and organized. We've had more consistent and 'on point' marketing/communications through BowerComm than with a dedicated person on staff,” said Jessica.
“BowerComm understands a community foundation of our size very well and can impart strategies from other community foundations that are effective. They also stay on top of new, smart ways to reach and engage new constituents. Lori Bower is a true believer of community foundations and has a passion for helping them grow.”

Ready to start your Journey to Yes with BowerComm? Contact us today for a free 45-minute strategy session.
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